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Release of Liability:

As the legal parent or guardian, I release and hold harmless Dance Studio Elegance, its owners and operators from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action whatsoever, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the participant and/or the undersigned, while in or upon the premises or any premises under the control and supervision of Dance Studio Elegance, its owners and operators or in route to or from any

of said premises.


 COVID-19 Health Guidelines

I agree to follow OHA guidelines including: Masks must be worn by everyone aged 5 and older while inside, including when dancing, and when waiting outside if social distancing cannot be maintained . Students with the following symptoms will not be sent to class: cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pain, headache, soar throat, or loss of sense of taste/smell. Students who have been sick must stay home for 10 days after the illness starts, and must be fever free with improving COVID-19 symptoms for at least 72 hours before returning to the studio. Anyone who has been exposed to COVID-19 should stay home for 14 days.



Temporary COVID Policies

Dancer health and safety is a priority at Dance Studio Elegance. Students should come to the studio dressed and wait outside for teachers to come and get them. Dressing rooms and waiting areas are closed. Families must wait outside for their dancer, except for Creative Movement where one parent (no siblings) is allowed in to help with social distancing. There are temperatures and health checks when entering the building. Drinking fountains are closed - students must bring their own water. Please contact Dance Studio Elegance to discuss other measures ABA has instituted to keep everyone safe while dancing


Medical Emergency

The undersigned gives permission to Dance Studio Elegance, its owners and operators to seek medical treatment for the participant in the event they are not able to reach a parent or guardian. I hereby declare any physical/mental problems, restrictions, or condition and declare the paritcipant to be in good physical and mental health.



Payment Information

Tuition is due by the first of each month and is late after the 10th and will occur a $10 late fee on late payments. Monthly payments will be debited the 5th of every month for those on auto-pay. All payments are non-refundable. No partial payments will be accepted. All charges will appear as being from Dance Studio Elegance. Payments can be made via e-check (bank draft), cash, or check ( There is a 3% convenience fee for using credit cards). If paying with cash please put it in a labeled envelope. Mailed payments should be sent to: 603 Doral ct, New Bern, NC 28562. There is a $20.00 fee for any checks returned by the bank, or bank drafts declined for Non-Sufficient Funds.

 I hereby authorize Dance Studio Elegance to charge my account for any overdue fees.


Registration Fee 

No registration fee.


Enrollment Policy

I understand that my space will be held for me for the school year at Dance Studio Elegance unless I state otherwise. If at any time I wish to discontinue classes at Dance Studio Elegance I understand I must give written notice by the 15th of the prior month. Notice must be written, and submitted to or 603 Doral ct, New Bern, NC 28562. Verbal notice to teachers is not adequate. I understand that if sufficient notice is not given that I am responsible for the next month's tuition.


Make-up and Cancelation Policy

No refunds or discounts are given for missed class. Students are always welcome to come in for make-ups. Please arrange make-up classes with the instructor. Make-ups should be completed within 30 days.

Cancellation must be made 24 hours prior to the class.


Professional Contact

Ballet is a physical art form that requires very exact body placement and muscle recognition to be successful. In addition to demonstrations and verbal instructions, we find that utilizing kinesthetic learning is extremely effective in helping children understand what they are being asked to do. If you are uncomfortable with professional contact, please discuss things with your instructor(s).


Restroom Assistance

I understand that if my child will need restroom assistance that I must remain accessible either in the observation or waiting area during class time.


 Picture Release

I give Dance Studio Elegance permission to use pictures that may include my child for promotional purposes. Most pictures are from a distance, of the entire class, and often times children are not easily recognizable. If the child is easily recognizable Dance Studio Elegance will contact you to be given permission.


Canceling Classes

Extreme Weather or Unexpected Interruption of Classes: We cancel classes if the Craven County School system cancels school or their after school activities. If the school must cancel classes due to extreme weather or events beyond our control such as power outages, the missed lessons will not be made up.  We will notify families of any cancellations/schedule changes via our Dance Studio Elegance Facebook page as well as the e-mail address that we have on file for your family. 


 I Accept

I have received or will obtain a copy of Dance Studio Elegance policies and will take the responsibility to carefully read and follow the rules and policies therein. I understand that Dance Studio Elegance does not give credit and/or refunds for class(es) missed due to holiday, vacation, illness, weather, etc. I further understand that there are specific risks of physical or property damages, losses, or injury that may result from my or my child's participation with Dance Studio Elegance, and I voluntarily assume the risks associated with such participation.


 I Accept

Electronic Signature Agreement. By selecting the "I Accept" checkbox, I am signing this agreement electronically. I agree this electronic signature is the legal equivalent of my manual signature on this agreement.

I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read and understood it, and I agree to be bound by its terms.


I Accept

Parent(s) or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian(s) must sign for any participating minor (those under 18 years of age) and agree that they and the minor are subject to all the terms of this document, as set forth above. I certify that I am the Parent or Legal Guardian of the above minor.


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